Weekly Indie Log #12


3 min read

Hello! It’s already time to write the weekly indie log #12! Time is flying by and we are already in May!

Notion Content Creators Outreach

Last week was marketing and SEO week and my focus was on Notion content creators’ reach-out which aimed to give away the product to some Notion content creators in exchange for feedback and possible collaboration.
So far, I built a list of 50ish Notion content creators and reached out to them and have 4 of them interested in actually trying out Stomod.
The deal is that I give them a lifetime free plan for the Stomod Pro Plus Plan and also give them a discount code personalized to them to share with their audience so that they get 20% off for 6 months.
The content creators also get to register as affiliates and earn 20% off any subscriptions they refer to Stomod.

SEO Efforts

I also spent some time doing research for content relevant to Stomod and came up with a list of blog posts to be published over the next few weeks. My goal is to publish at least 2 blog posts weekly for either Stomod or AssistFlare.
The first article I published was for Stomod and was title Why You Should Choose Notion for Your Blogging.
With that first article published, on my roadmap for Stomod is to added Google Search Console integration so that I can monitor whether the post is indexed and get some stats if possible from GSC.
I am also deliberating on building an indexing service for blog posts which uses Google Indexing API to expedite indexing of blogs posts. This is easier said than done as each customer in Stomod will possibly need to have their own account which allows up to 200 URLs to be indexed per day. This feature is something which a TagParrot charges $11 monthly. If the management part is easy, I will probably spin this off as a separate product as well.

Bringing Focus on AssistFlare

AssistFlare has started getting some more traction as well and last week a customer requested a feature - the ability to password-protect knowledge bases which threw a spanner in my marketing week.
I dropped everything mid-week to work on shipping this off and close this feature request.
While AssistFlare had taken a bit of a backseat as I tried to grow Stomod, I’m thinking maybe this is not the right strategy and decided to bring it back into the fray and work equally on AssistFlare and Stomod.
You can expect some more stuff to be shipped in the next few weeks as I back-port a lot of the features I built for Stomod into AssistFlare. This is the beauty of building a related product in the same nice. I get to share a lot of code between the two projects.

Better Planning

The last two week were a bit of a mess from progress perspective as I was not planning enough ahead of executing. This caused uncertainty and slowed down progress - but this weekend I sat down to determine what’s the thing I need to do to bring the biggest value both in terms of product development and marketing and will action on those in the upcoming weeks.
That’s it from me for this week - catch you in the next one!

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